Download logbait
Download logbait

If you need to modmail us something, do so on Friday-Sunday, that's when we usally respond to stuffĬus of this, if post during Friday-Sunday if you're unsure if you're post will be visible (it happens to a looooot of people on this sub). The goal of this deck is to bait out your opponents spells so that your goblin barrel is free to do damage to their towers.

download logbait download logbait

Our About page has tons of resources and things to check out too. Log bait is now even stronger This is the third version of the deck which has spear goblins instead of the ice spirit This adds to the baity aspect and can easily give you more damage on offense and on defense. We do allow exemptions to stuff the main sub won't allow, memes about CRCJ itself, and stuff about Clash of Clans (they don't have a meme sub unfortunately). Jerking bout archer feet and ebarns is our focus. This is not for advertising clans or youtube channel aight? Doing so will result in a ban. Fishbrain regulations provide accurate and up-to-date knowledge about open seasons, bag limits, measurement rules, and.

download logbait

Be sure you can legally fish in a certain area, and know how to comply with all the local regulations to fish in a sustainable way and never get a ticket. This sub is for poking fun at /r/ClashRoyale and Clash Royale in general, making shitposts and humorous or interesting posts about CR. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play. Ca$h Royal€ - a free mium mobile strategy** "game"!

Download logbait